
Caorle By...Bike

Cycle routes

The Hotel Alexander Caorle offers cycling enthusiasts splendid routes in contact with nature.

A holiday of sun, sea, relaxation but also discovery of our hinterland, the unique lagoon and river landscapes dear to Ernest Hemingway, through our bike tours.

Bike Rental: “Fiammetta” or “Bike&Go”

If you bring your bike, no problem, as Bikehotel have a locked storage and safe equipped with a repair kit with the main useful tools.
You will have the possibility to wash and oil the bike to prepare them for the next tour.

You need to wash your sportswear?
We can offer at the price of 5.00 euros our laundry.

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Lungomare Trieste, 65 - 30021 Caorle (VE)
tel. +39 0421 82019 - fax +39 0421 210462
p.i. 02638950275 - CIN: IT027005A173A4BV38 - Privacy Policy
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